Thursday, August 24, 2006

submit your own videos to this blog here.
click the link and submit your vids, and then I can post them here.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

one of those days

Friday, August 11, 2006

drunken terror alert

I can remember shortly after the Bali bombings, which shocked us all at the time,it made a lot of us feel like targets...I can remember a few of us having quite a few drinks in the Old China becoming quite paranoid.
After 2 or 3 dodgy looking blokes of unknown nationality walked into the bar, looked around unsmilingly and then walked back out again, we urged Stew to call the police. Stewart, not being as pissed as us declined.
Having nothing better to do, we called them anyway. The police listened patiently and must have gone away thinking, bloody drunken gweilos!
We never did hear of any terrorist related activity in HK. In retrospect, the guys we saw, probably walked in, and saw us staring at them, and thought this place is full of dodgy looking weirdos(which it was/is) and buggered off out.
I write this as all UK airports are closed due to terror alerts.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

fenwicks!! (found on other blog click title to go to full article)

Are the hookers pushing coke at Fenwicks?

LT makes a comment which got me thinking. He says no one has ever tried to push cocaine to him while he has been in Fenwicks and he goes there more often than most.

I have been in Fenwicks (entertaining clients, get over it) a couple of times in the past six weeks, both times when the place was full of Colombians. I was approached several times for the obvious but I was never offered any drugs.

If anyone who reads this has ever experienced being offered coke in Fenwicks can you leave a comment?

The more I think about this the more I reckon that either Barclay Crawford got stiffed with a high bar bill and is making the whole thing up, or someone told him they got coke there but it is more likely they asked for it making the assumption that Colombians would have some.

I just cannot see anyone freely offering cocaine to someone they do not know without any form of referral or introduction to avoid stings which could so easily be set up w.....follow link to continue reading(this is not my blog)

Saturday, August 05, 2006